Sunny Crashing by The Dysania Concept (2020)
The season many of us look forward to the most. The long days, sunshine and a sense of freedom are some of the characteristics Summer offers to us. And throughout these characteristics and more, Summer teaches us about life. Similar to winter, Summer is also a peak, although opposite to it, it is the peak of warmth, growth and light. So, in this edition of The Mindsets, we’ll explore the qualities, virtues and skills Summer teaches us through its conditions. As John Lubbock said, "Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time."
1. Freedom
Summer teaches us to appreciate the freedom we have. In a season where students are on holiday, people take more trips, and the days are longer, it is inevitable to feel the liberty that comes with Summer. When sunshine seems everlasting and the nights are warm, the human mind tends to be filled with positivity and a need to enjoy, ultimately creating a greater sense of freedom. And it is during these months that humans feel the greater purpose to seize the day. And even though that is fantastic, Summer also teaches us that, even though its conditions help us feel that way, it is ultimately up to us to embrace that way of life every day.
2. Maturity
Summer teaches us the beauty of maturity. When the trees and plants are reaching their maximum growth and the animals are enjoying the outside instead of hibernating, Summer shows the beauty of reaching maturity. When nature matures, colours fill every landscape, and animals serve every piece of land. Everything blooms and reaches its peak, reminding us of how beautiful life is. Summer teaches us to enjoy the highest moments without reminiscing about the coldness and darkness we’ve already gone through. So, when reflecting on Summer, think about how grand and majestic this season is, all its beauty, and how nature animals don’t rush into hibernation in case darkness returns but enjoy what they’ve been given.
3. Balance
Summer teaches us the importance of understanding and embracing balance. Like winter, Summer is a reminder of the importance of balance in nature. For trees to bloom, they need to be naked first. And Summer, being the counterpart of winter, reminds us of how essential it is to understand and embrace both parts as the peaks of a single cycle. Summer teaches us to enjoy the maturity we’ve reached without worrying about what’s coming because it leads us to enjoy the present. However, that also means we must understand not everything lasts forever. And similar to winter, Summer comes to an end. We know it will soon return, but balance makes it possible. How can we know we’ve reached happiness if we don’t know what sadness feels like?
Summer is perhaps the favourite season of most people. Who can deny long sunny days are a gift? And within these long sunny days, we learn essential lessons in life. Freedom is a state of mind, not something conditioned to external factors. When we need rest, we’ll use our time that way, but we decide how to use our time, not anyone else. Also, remember reaching maturity in any form is something to celebrate and enjoy. Even though we know it will not last forever, we must enjoy these moments and appreciate what we’ve accomplished. And, most importantly, remember the role of balance in everything. For trees to bloom, they need to be naked first. For us to learn, we need not to know first. Embrace the process and enjoy every moment of it. Now, we invite you to adopt The Summer’s Mindset as we work towards the climax of a process, so we can soon begin again with a better foundation.
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