The Sleeping Beauty by The Dysania Concept (2019)
Dogs are known to be our best friends. If you’ve been lucky enough to have the companionship of a Dog throughout your lifetime, you know how it feels to come back home to them every day, cuddling in your bed with them (if they’re allowed to be there) and sharing moments of joy and laughter. If you haven’t, as most Dog owners have probably told you, get one! Sharing your life and building a relationship with a Dog can be one of life’s most precious experiences, and in this edition of The Mindsets, we’ll explore the essential qualities, virtues and skills Dogs teach us through their time on earth. As Roger Caras beautifully explained, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”
1. Mindfulness
Dogs teach us to be mindful of the present. In today’s society, we are constantly busy, trying to check our to-do list, thinking about the past, and worrying about the future. However, I dare you to find a Dog who will not stop whatever they’re doing to chase a ball or have a treat. Dogs will never reject the opportunity to enjoy the day with those they love. Dogs play daily, make time for cuddling, enjoy their food and sleep, and find time to exercise and take care of themselves. In contrast, we tend to forget to make time for the things we enjoy, as we allow other aspects of life to dictate our calendar. So adopt the Dog’s mindfulness and go for ice cream, a movie or a walk in the park! Enjoy today, always.
2. Forgiveness
Dogs teach us to forgive and keep on living. Unfortunately, Dogs lack the ability to comprehend why we must go to work and why we must travel without them or go outside while they remain inside. Nevertheless, Dogs don’t live holding grudges. Even though they aren’t capable of understanding why we went away for some hours or a weekend, they will forgive us and move on to maximise our presence. Similarly, we must not hold on to grudges that most likely stem from unimportant issues compared to the affected relationship. We must learn to understand and empathise and not allow grudges to affect the beauty and happiness a relationship brings to our lives.
3. Unconditionality
Dogs teach us the value of unconditionality in all of life’s aspects. To them, how we look, how much money we make or how our mood is doesn’t matter. It’s irrelevant. They will always be present to protect us and what we love. They will always share the excitement and happiness of being with us, no matter the scenario. Their love and loyalty towards us will always be unconditional, as they are in love with our minds and spirits, not with life’s material and trivial aspects. Therefore, don’t let these material or trivial elements dictate your presence for someone else. Protect unconditionally. Love unconditionally. Be unconditional.
Dogs may not be our whole lives, but they definitely make our lives whole. Their mindfulness, forgiveness and unconditionality make them the best companions and teach us about a lifestyle few of us truly adopt, even though we all should. Dogs teach us how to live in the moment without holding unimportant grudges, which diminish the beauty of relationships and being unconditional for everyone we love. Perhaps Carpe Diem is a good way of summarising a Dog’s life. In Latin, Carpe Diem means seize the day, making the most of the present time. Perhaps in today’s society, that’s what we are missing. So, we invite you to absorb The Dog’s Mindset as we all attempt to make our lives the most whole possible.
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