Time To Learn by The Dysania Concept (2023)
Teaching is the foundation of our society. All accomplishments stem from what our Teachers have planted within us, both in theoretical and practical knowledge and as we grew and built ourselves. Teaching is one of the noblest professions a human can follow, as they dedicate their lives to helping us construct ourselves to face the world. So, in this edition of The Mindsets, we’ll explore the qualities, virtues and skills a Teacher needs to become one of the key figures in our journey. As E.P. Bertin said, “It is not what is poured into the student, but what is planted, that counts.”
1. Approachable
Teachers use their approachability to build a relationship. As students, we have many Teachers throughout our life. We have them at school, university, work, and even at home, yet the ones who become essential to our upbringing demonstrate they are there for us. Memorable Teachers rely on qualities such as kindness, empathy and respect to build their approachability and create a safe space between them and their students. So, work on your approachability to those who surround you, and demonstrate your openness to helping them in their journey towards their goals. Even though each of us chases our own, it is equally important to help others pursue theirs.
2. Communication
Teachers must be good communicators to educate. Teachers do more than stand against a chalkboard or screen and review a line of content. Teachers work on communicating these ideas in the most suitable way for their students. Why? Because all students learn differently. Hence, they must speak well and, more importantly, listen to their students’ doubts and questions. Additionally, they must be engaging, as they plant, not pour knowledge on their students. Therefore, work on your communication skills to convey your ideas and thoughts more clearly, and help others do so.
3. Lifelong Learner
Teachers are lifelong learners to ensure a positive and lifelong impact. There are many areas in which they never stop learning. One of these is teaching methods, as these are the tools they use to communicate efficiently with their students. Another area is their subject, as they must always stay on top of new knowledge to plant the most recent information and ways of thinking about it in their students. And perhaps the most important one is their students. Teachers are always aware of the new lessons students might leave in them. So, be a lifelong learner, stay on top of things, evolve your thinking process, and absorb knowledge from even the most unlikely places.
Independently of what your profession is, as life progresses, we all become teachers. We become parents, have an apprentice at work, or teach ourselves. Therefore, these qualities, virtues and skills become helpful for every single one of us. We must be approachable to create safe spaces for those who surround us. We must be good communicators to share the knowledge and ideas we have. And we must always be lifelong learners to grow our minds and evolve our thinking process. Be grateful for the wonderful Teachers you’ve had in your life. To those Teachers who left a mark on you and helped you become who you are today. And now, be aware that these are the lessons The Teacher’s Mindset leaves us with as we all stop being only students and become Teachers in one way or another.
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